Manuel De Marco
Nasce a Udine nel 1987, vive e lavora a Milano.
Tra le mostre personali e collettive si segnalano quelle presso Fabbrica del Vapore (Milano), Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tirana (Tirana), GAM (Roma), Amy d’Arte Spazio (Milano), Museo Revoltella (Trieste), MAGA (Gallarate).
Svolge un’indagine su temi esistenziali e sul rapporto fra la sua presenza di individuo nel mondo e il mondo stesso, visto come alterità.
Si esprime attraverso la pittura, il video e la performance.
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Manuel De Marco
Born in Udine in 1987, lives and works in Milan.
Among the personal and collective exhibitions we highlight those at Fabbrica del Vapore (Milan), Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tirana (Tirana), GAM (Rome), Amy d’Arte Spazio (Milan), Museo Revoltella (Trieste), MAGA (Gallarate ).
He carries out an investigation into existential themes and the relationship between his presence as an individual in the world and the world itself, seen as otherness.
He expresses himself through painting, video and performance.
Born in Udine in 1987, lives and works in Milan.
Among the personal and collective exhibitions we highlight those at Fabbrica del Vapore (Milan), Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Tirana (Tirana), GAM (Rome), Amy d’Arte Spazio (Milan), Museo Revoltella (Trieste), MAGA (Gallarate ).
He carries out an investigation into existential themes and the relationship between his presence as an individual in the world and the world itself, seen as otherness.
He expresses himself through painting, video and performance.